Good Afternoon;
It's one of those confusing weather days, one minute it seems comfortable, the next it's humid as hell. Massive banks of cloud drift across the sun and the breeze picks up and sitting in the shade I begin to think about changing out of my shorts into jeans. The next instant the sun reappears, the wind drops and I am soaking wet again, and when I walk into the A/C in the library I get chilled. A totally schizophrenic day to match my schizoid mood.
I left the library Saturday afternoon and ended up by default at the Starbucks. It was 5:00 pm. before I finally got around to eating a meal for the day. I left there as it began to rain, just before closing, and went over to the Light Rail, planning to ride the train for a while to kill time. Whne the train had not arrived 34 minutes later I just took the bus back to the Plaza and then the next one up to Pikesville and sat outside the First Watch and read 'til midnight befor I hit the shed and lay down. Only to promptly get up and deal with anothe batch of waterbugs/roaches. Another sleepless night ensued and I eventually crawled out around 12:45 pm. to catch the bus to Jenn's where I showered and watched the kids until about 7:45 pm. It was too late to go anywhere so I went back up to the bench outside the First Watch and read again until about 9:30 pm. when I tried to go to sleep, being totally exhausted, in body, mind, and spirit. As I was moving a bag around to put the dirty laundry in it, I bumped the insulation and heard a loud, angry, buzzing as of a massive amount of bees, and out from the side of the paper covering the insulation, (Paper backed fiberglass strips that fit between the studs, and the outer wall. There is no inner wall.), there appeared a half dozen big, fat, bees.
I had a hell of a time trying to swat and crush them without banging into the sides of the shed and attracting some more. Eventually I got them and rushed over to the Giant at 1 minute 'til closing and went to get a can of wasp and hornet spray, (it also makes a hell of a Mace!!!), and had only $3.00 and the spray was $6.35, and there was no one in the store I knew, not even any of the employess, from whom I coul;d borrow the missing $3.36......I called Jenn and they had no spray. I was not a happy camper to say the least. I quietly crept back into the shed and the nest or hive was silent, so I lay down and made a supreme effort all night NOT to bump anything. I read for a bit then fell asleep for an hour and have been up since. I just lay there with no reason to get up until about Noon. Iwent into the Giant to use the facilities and when I was coming out Tom was coming in. He bought me a can of insect spray, and I'll try it later this evening.
liz dropped off the replacement bag for me on her way past and I have to transfer my stuff to it from the duffel.
I'm out of time now.......later......Dave
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