Saturday, May 29, 2010

"My Old Pal Sal"..........(And I Don't Mean Litvak).........Or.............."Driving Miss Crazy"

Good Afternoon;

Miss me?

Well, I left here Thursday to go over Jenn's and babysit and ended up spending the night...all day Friday and Friday evening...ended up leaving 9:30 pm. that night. Not the 3 hours or so I was originally expecting. It was a good thing too, Jenn had some color work done on her tattoo and due to the large surface area, her body was responding pretty strongly, so I let her rest and dealt with the kids that night and morning. It hit 92 degrees Thursday and was humid and nasty out, so I was happy to be inside. Then there were some hellacious thunderstorms that night. A bolt of lightning hit on or right next to the apartment building and literally shook the walls. Things fell off of shelves and the shock wave could be felt! the power flickered but stayed on though. I was worried that the shed door would be blown open by the wind and things would be blown around inside or soaked by the driving rain, or that lightning would ignite the highly flammable, wasp and hornet spray drenched insulation poking out of one of the many cracks in the walls. When I went back there to sleep late last night there was no change from how I left it though.

I think I may have had a slight touch of food poisoning, most likely from cross contamination of the chicken I got Wednesday night. Having had a serious case of Salmonella before and other minor bouts with food borne illness before, not to mention the similar symptoms caused by heroin withdrawal, I am familiar with the actions and reactions of my body in the initial stages and onset of the disease. I luckily had some unexpired antibiotics and as soon as I was fairly certain that 'It was what it was' as they say, I took them along with a dose of my 'bupes', and then again later with some Loperidine, (generic Lomotil/Immodium), and lots and lots of water to counteract the dehydration that can come along with it. Luckily I was at Jenn's and she had a fresh package of, but I caught it before the stomach spasms began to become uncontrollable and the 'other, or opposite' reaction got out of control also.

When I had the major case of Salmonella, (we were cleaning out the walk-in freezers prior to closing for the winter season...{yeah they used to do that in O.C. in the "Olden Days; When Ma and Pa used to buckle their own wheats"}.....[Hi Patti...LOL!!......sorry, private joke]at the restaurant I worked in, [The Lookout, at The Fenwick Inn], and I must have not washed up properly before we ate.), back over X-mas of 1980 I was stuck in Ocean City Md. and drove back to Baltimore to see my Doctor...stopping every few mile to 'evacuate' my system, it took 6 hours to get home and there was no traffic on the road! The very first thing the doctor did was dose me with Paregoric...AKA, 'camphorated tincture of Opium'...(and this was before I developed a taste for the more refined immediately shuts down the motility of the gastro-intestinal system, (and gives real meaning to the expression "feeling all warm and fuzzy inside".....LOL!!!), and the very anti-biotics I happened to try to keep on hand.

Anyway, I nipped the food poisoning in the bud, so I was able to function normally, well as normal as I ever am.

Okay, we are back in the present again. I just had a run in with the crazy old white haired evil psycho witch/bitch who frequents the library. She is the one who talks to herself and mumbles at black folks or the obvious Frum, Jewish Yeshiva boys, that there are computers 'at the Enoch Pratt library in the city' or 'at Hebrew University', for them to use. She lays claim to a chair and switches it around from computer to computer as she goes. She also bitches, moans and complains rudely and foul-mouthedly if someone near her bumps her or coughs or sneezes.....she is a real piece of work. Well she walks over to the desk where I have my bag and I am recharging the DVD player and where my grocery bag is sitting. She hits and pushes around my bag of food and starts ranting about no one being there, and on and on and on, and starts to paw through my groceries. By this time I am up from the computer and about to deck her, (but common sense took hold....damn-it...LOL!!!), and I went to ask the librarians who is the boss today and made a formal complaint. I called the security guard over, who happens to be an acquaintance and who knows this nut case for what she is, and he took her aside to speak to her. well you cannot reason with a closed mind, so he told her to quit acting out or leave. 5 minutes later, at the computer next to hers, the librarian is helping a man with a problem so the space is a little bit cramped, but not unreasonably so. She starts elbowing this elderly black man from the islands and cussing and mumbling insults and complaints. the librarian tells her to just be patient and she slams the chair at the desk picks up her heavy coat, (which she wears every day over another coat and a sweater....and she always smells like pee, but that's another folks who come to the Pikesville library know EXACTLY who I mean!!), and storms out, complaining about hows her rights have been violated and ....get this "people's lack of courtesy"....ROTFLMAO!!!!!

Okay, I'm out of here for now, I guess I'll go to the Starbucks and see if Ashley is working. I'll be back on Tuesday when the library re-opens, (unless by some odd chance I go to Towson tomorrow afternoon, or run into someone with a laptop.

I'm just going to try to find someplace cool and free, (that's the problem with 'end of the month holidays and events....the month and the money are never in 'sync', to hang out, or try to look for a way to crawl into a pool, pond, stream, river, lake, ocean or the Bay and sink down until just my nose and eyes are above the is supposed to be 91-93 degrees on Sunday and Monday.
I have until Wednesday the 2nd to try to survive on $1.00, so I'm open to any offers to attend a cookout or BBQ.
Or a movie, or any other thing anyone wants to donate.
Like Mick and the boys sang,
"Ain't To Proud To Beg"
(That's Jagger and the Stones, for the musically uninformed)
( You know...."The Rolling Stones"......sheesh, these youngsters today......LOL!

Enjoy the Memorial Day holiday.....

and REMEMBER why we are able to be both here and free!

and the sacrifices made by those who fought and died,

and those who still carry the scars, external and internal,

and those who have been forsaken and forgotten.

Happy Memorial Day


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