Good Afternoon;
Well the expression "Hot As A Firecracker On The 4th Of July" is perfectly apt today and for the next 7 days! MORE record setting and possibly 100 degree + temperatures are on the way.
Everyone is gone and I am spending Independence Day independently at Jenn's while they are all up in Monkton at Tom's mom's.
I just cooked a 2 inch thick 1 lb. New York strip steak (Giant-on sale and a $2.00 sticker plus bonus card discount!) and a baked potato and washed it down with a couple cold Boh Ice, now it's shower and maybe nap time. Between the partying outside, and the ignorant inconsiderate garbage neighbors upstairs I did not get much sleep last night. Celebrating is one thing and a certain excess noise level is expected, but when things start falling off the walls and the children complain about the noise.....enough is enough. To top it 6:47 am this morning the thumpa-thumpa started up again, I got up and beat on the ceiling and put my shoes on and when I yanked the door open, (and it sticks, squeaks and bangs), and started stomping up the stairs ...the 'music', (and I use the term loosely), miraculously stopped and not a sound was heard. After falling asleep somewhere near 4:00 am., needless to say I was not a happy camper this morning.
As I was walking back from the Giant today, Rachel called me from Chicago to tel me there were pictures waiting on my e-mail of her in Lake Michigan and on the top of a ferris wheel by the Lake. She told me they watched fireworks on the beach last night and at the end, "they went boom-boom-ba-b00m-bam-bam-boom-boom......and on and on and on"! (I heard a whole hell of a lot of boomboomboomboomboomboomboomboom and BaBoom...BaBoom...BaBoom to but that was automatic weapons fire and large caliber magnums!!!!)
I miss her and can't wait 'til she get back on Wednesday.
I don't know where I am staying tonight, I want to stay in the A/C but I don't want to push to much or wear out my welcome.
See you sometime tomorrow.............................Dave
Happy Birthday America!
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