Friday, July 16, 2010

"I'd Rather Be Funny Than PC........"

Good Afternoon;

I just looked at the Sitemeter hit counter for the blog and noticed that visitor #6750 was from Pakistan...............Hmmmmm, could it be that Osama was checking in and looking for tips to decorate his cave, or some advice on Dumpster Diving from the Garbage Gourmet? You gotta admit he looks like a stereotypical gutter dwelling, sterno drinking, dirty, bat-shit crazy, rat bastard, street person!..............LOL!
(And AGAIN, I the person who keeps writing in to piss and moan about my lack of....'political correctness', and....'sensitivity to the less fortunate'; and my 'callous disregard of, and ignorance of, the disenfranchised'......:
First-- "Lighten The F*ck Up!"---(That is what LTFU stands for, genius);
Second--"What rock have you been hiding under for the past 20 months?"
Third--Like I said in the reply to your E-mail, (which by the way was so intellectual and well written, particularly in your creative use of profanity and impossible to achieve sexual positioning for the unaccompanied),
"If you don't like what you read in the blog....don't read it anymore"
I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of publishing your comments so you can see your 'name' (?) in print, and the next batch of threats and profanity will get you blocked by Google.
Have a nice day!
Well that was fun wasn't it boys and girls, see what happens when I have too much time on my hands, and, I'm bored, and it's too hot to be outside, and there are computers free....LOL
(P.S. ......current count is now 6783 visitors)

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