Friday, May 29, 2009

"Amicus Verus Est Rara Avis............"

Good Morning;
I think it must be the weather, about a dozen people, myself included have remarked that they did not sleep well last night. I ended up getting back to Pikesville and my 'villa' about 11:00 pm. I went to the gas station to use the bathroom and catch the weather report on the TV and play my daily $1.00 Keno shot, (not a winner), and then lay down about 11:30, I tried to read for a minute but was exhausted and fell asleep. I woke up, thinking it was around 4:30-5:00 am., looked at was only 1:45 am., and this went on the rest of the night at intervals of about 40 minutes, until I eventually said screw it and got up about 5:00 and rode the bus for a while and went up to the Starbucks.
Yesterday evening I went down to Mt Royal Ave. about 5:00 pm. because Neil said he had a pair of free movie passes for me, and the movie is titled..get this....."My Life In Ruins"....with Richard Dreyfus and Nia Vardalos, I mean, How could I 'NOT!!' go see this film?.....LOL. I was only out there for about 25 minutes before the rain started, and I could tell it was going to be a downpour, so I jumped on the Light Rail, (I picked up $3.00 while I was there, that was coffee and breakfast today, (a half loaf of day old raisin bread, a marked down pkg of deli meat, and a bruised reduced tomato from the Giant..= $1.77), I've still got $0.23 left!!
I went out to Lutherville last evening and called my friend AnnaMarie from the station and asked if I could impose at the last minute and shower, the humidity had me feeling nasty and I was truly ready to kill for a shower, I almost made it to the house before the heavens opened up and burst, if she had had some soap in the car wash wand that attaches to the hose, I would have just stood in the driveway and let her scrub me down. I was ready to go to one of those self serve high pressure car washes anyway if I had the money, ( I read a newspaper item a few weeks ago about a parent who was arrested for taking his kid to the wash bay and spraying him/her with the soapy water. I don't remember if it was punishment or poverty though,....I remember coming home from a motorcycle race covered in mud and being taken in to the car wash and being hosed down, clothes and all {the bike too...LOL}.)
We had a big pot of Angel Hair pasta and Vodka sauce, I showered, and we watched.."So You Think You Can Dance", and I got the chance to visit with her college age daughters , one of whom calls me her other dad. A nice normal domestic suburban family evening, with the 'woulda/coulda/shoulda' in my life, when we both realised...time and circumstance had intervened, and as Thomas Wolfe matter how much you..."Look Homeward Angel"....."You Can't go Home Again"..!!..Ahhh Welll, 35 years of friendship, we've been through more together than most married couples experience, and although circumstance, situations, fate,...and God's sometime twisted sense of humor interrupted each time at that Oh So Critical point in time where we were balanced on the razor's edge of becoming lovers.....we are closer than many a husband and wife in some ways............!! (And I gotta give KUDOS for a job well done, a single mom who started a day care to get by sends three awesome girls through or currently attending college....and raised the children of her clients, most of whom went on to college.....these are the kids by which/who I judge others of their age/generation, who I want my daughter to emulate.................and she is a wee bit older than me, and still gets taken for her own daughter's....sister!!!!!). She took me to the bus on her way to the gym and I took the Light Rail to the we are back at the beginning of this paragraph.....LOL.
Had a visitor from Belgium, and another from Canada, eh, today.
I made another new potential friend today at the Starbucks. Hi Nathan!, we exchanged pleasantries and compared tattoos....(He Won....WOW!!!....LOL), and had a nice conversation with his daughter about the 5th grade....brain it Kayla??...sorry dear.
I have also been talking every morning with Mitch, who is my counterpart at St Thomas, as mascot, greeter & unpaid employee. Look up the word raconteur in the dictionary and you'll see his picture, the man can tell a story or reminisce in such a way that you really want to hear about the simplest sometimes most mundane things.
Well despite 1)-a total lack of cash, 2)-no food except two slices of raisin bread left, and 3)-being out of meds, and 3.1)-see item 1)............although I am so stressed that you could pluck me like a banjo, the simple act of taking a shower last night has me feeling human again!
And speaking of human...last night at the Metro at Old Court, there were a bunch of young gangsta wannabees waiting for the 77 bus, and blocking the ramp and harassing people, one started saying things such as, what's in your bag, and I oughta take your money...and other things in a similar vein, I just said 'yeah , right' and walked to the bus shelter down the sidewalk, trying to ignore the stupidity, every other word was f*ck, or yo, or nigga, and the whole time he was directly and indirectly threatening or advocating violence. I thought it was just me and maybe I was being overly bigoted or prejudiced...until this other guy comes into the shelter talking to himself to calm down, and saying things like,,'it's not worth going to jail for, and he's so stupid, he's either gonna be dead or in jail in a year anyway' , and we started talking about the mouth on some of the dummies over there. This was a black guy, a big black guy, I mean BIG!!, and he was about my age, so anyone in their right mind is not going to mouth off to him. We both agreed that there is a seriously deficient lack of common courtesy and civility in a certain segment of the urban society that has spread out to the suburbs, bringing with it violence and ugliness. Then my friend Chris, the tennis pro, walks over after getting off the train, now Chris is white, mid-western, and not really 'street smart' in this city's ways, and he come over ready to kick the little bastards ass....LOL.........all three of us can't be wrong!
(I'm thinking of re-activating my membership in the 'Society For Creative Euthanasia'.....their motto is....'Innovative Ways To Reduce The Idiot Quotient In The Human Equation'.......Or......."How To Stop The Peeing In The Gene Pool!!!!")
Act Like An Animal=Get Treated Like An Animal
If I offended anyone, sorry about your feelings...but that's all.
I gotta get out of here, I may have a small job, doing a 'traffic survey', for this lawyer friend in regards to a lawsuit he is bringing to court, sometimes the very thing I ranted about the other day, being ignored, can be advantageous......LOL! He actually approached me with the idea after reading the blog........ So if anyone ELSE has any money making ideas, that won't land me in jail or get me shot....and are NOT labor know how to reach me!
It's Friday so I most likely won't be back today,( see you tomorrow.....

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