Monday, May 4, 2009

"Time Keeps On Slippin'..Slippin'....Slippin'.................Away......"

Good Evening;
Sorry I have not been here but the library was closed yesterday, and today I spent 8 hours at the clinic......7 &1/2 hours waiting and 1/2 hour with the doctor.
It turns out that the doctor I am to be seeing is not the one that I was assigned on my insurance card...but luckily the doctor who first evaluated me, and with whom I developed a rapport and a sense of trust. Thanks God!, the issues I am having with dealing with making new contacts are not here in this case. I have a referral and an introduction to a Psychiatrist, Podiatrist, Addictions Specialist (my doc has not taken the Federally mandated course to be able to prescribe buprenorphine), and it turns out I can get a new pair of glasses, as the one I am now wearing are 9 years old, and 2 prescriptions back...(lost or broke the others), Gee I wonder if I'll even recognize my friends...guess I'll have to rely on voices at first....LOL.
The Flower Mart was a blast, Rachel was wonderful and had so much fun.
It was so wet Sunday that I did not leave the Coffee shop all day, except to cross the lot to the Giant, where I again listened to a hunch and bought a Scratch Off lottery ticket....won enought to get a room for last night and tonight...which is good because my shed is slightly flooded!
To every one Local...the Starbucks is having a little thank you party from 6:00 to 8:00 PM Tuesday..(I may not be able to be there if a certain someone is), I will be in in the morning, early because I have doctors appts. tomaorrow all across the city. I will be going uo the St. Thomas Store after Wednesday...
It's closing time....I'll be back after I finish this round of doctor appts., on a more regular basis again.................Dave

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