Thursday, May 14, 2009

"Trolling For Owls......"

Just stopped in for a second to check my e-mail, and since I'm here....
a few little bits and pieces that fell out of the nest...
Welcome to visitors from Portsmouth, England; Greece; and the Czech Republic.
In case anyone thinks I ALWAYS have good day on the corner, it's not all fun and games every time.....todays grand total...drum roll please.....
$2.06----from 3 different people----in 2 and 1/2 hours.
Tonight....."Dumpster Diving For Gourmet Garbage", I really miss the Starbucks, I could always get at least a stale bagel.
Oh and by the's raining ...again......another night of trying to 'sleep around the wet spot'...........LOL
Saturday---Preakness--"Rachel Alexandra"---# 13 omen?
see ya ........Dave

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