Sunday, May 24, 2009

"Voices Carry.........[.'til Tuesday].................."

Good Afternoon;
I made it out to the Towson library after all, so I thought I'd get a quick 'fix' to carry me through tomorrow, Memorial Day.
I've got a feeling it's gonna be a rough day, I feel a bit of the 'cloud' of depression descending, and I know that no one I know is going to be around, it's one of those 'family gathering' holidays. I'd find a bar and join all the other barflys, but usually they are old veterans, and this is their one of three days a year to shine, (the others being Veterans Day and Independence Day)....LOL....(and God Bless 'em they deserve it.)

I'm going out to the corner tomorrow, and 25% of whatever I get goes to the NCHV,..(see yesterdays posts), or more if I get lucky with a big gift. I've been giving in an unorganized fashion, but I think from now on, I'm going to choose a different registered charity/cause each week and give them a money order. The clerk at the post office says he will not charge me for the money order and will give me free stamped envelopes for this purpose.
The horoscope in the Sun today said:
"Go out into the public eye in the coming week and stay out of..dark gloomy places..!"
I guess this means I gotta keep outta my own head!....LOL
(guys, guys!!,,,shhh, we'll discuss it later, I'm trying to type ego you cannot slap id 'upside da head'..quiet or I'll start humming "Yellow Submarine" until you behave!!!)
Sorry, sometimes they just won't stop fussing.
In the Baltimore Sunpaper today, Big article on city cops not showing up for trials, sometimes because they just did not feel like it. Now if I get charged with an FTA and arrested, because of a clerical error and record falsification.....why don't they when they choose to avoid showing up voluntarily???
Silly Observation:
Yesterday at the Starbucks, I watched a group of 8 people arriving at the outside tables for some sort of meeting. They showed up in waves of 1 or 2 at a time and consisted of 6 black men ranging in age from about 17 to 40, a black woman about 30, and a confused white guy about 20. They each shook hands in some complicated 'secret handshake fashion', and elbow bumped and chest bumped, and one armed 'man hugged'..(even the woman..LOL), each and every time a new person showed up, they did it all over again..EVERYONE..EVERYTIME! and then the whole group had to wait while the newcomer went inside to get their coffee. I just started timing them out of curiousity, and it took over 40 minutes to just say hello............LOL..and then each time some one left..the whole process started over again. Now this is not that funny or unusual..until you consider that the meeting was a corporate...."Time Management Meeting"......................ROTFLMAO!!!
(Hey I was giving a personel inventory, not making any type of statement earlier, I've watched the "Ladies Who Lunch" and the over the hill jocks do their version too!.......LOL
okay ..........gotta go........Happy Holiday..........Dave

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