Thursday, May 28, 2009

" Life, The Universe, and Everthing..............or......................42! "

Good afternoon;
Just to let you know, I am aware that you, loyal reader are not the type of person to whom the rant in the last post yesterday was directed. I sent it out in an e-mail to a few select addresses that I got off the vehicles of some of the jerks who pretended they weren't staring at me yesterday, along with a bunch of other really annoying forwards.........LOL.
I have realized why I have been more down than usual in the past few days,(besides the fact that the weather, all this fog and rain, has me thinking I'm in England.....and having cravings for bangers and mash, steak and kidney pie, kippers, and toad in the hole....LOL), I am not vain about my appearance, but I try to remain neat and clean as possible, and for some reason I have been having more trouble than usual coordinating a shower schedule, and of course the humidity combined with my not so healthy eating habits at present have me feeling 'greasy', and just uncomfortable. That would be enough by itself, but I am feeling very, very self conscious about my weight and general sense of 'flabbiness' and lack of muscle tone due to a sense of ennui and lethargy that has kept me sitting at this computer way more than usual, instead of all the walking I was doing. Being at point of 'limbo' with everything pending in regards to medical and social work and housing issues, I am traveling less, and eating more, and with the self perpetuating cycle of getting the blues and assuaging them with comfort foods...I have been consuming high concentrations of the 5 Basic Feel Good Food Groups--*Potato Chips..*Donuts..*Mayonaise..*Chocolate..*Coffee..!! with occasional forays into the luxury categories of *Beer and *Cheeseburgers...sometimes broken down into
healthy..Hell No!...satifying..You Betcha!,
Also on a serious note, I have need to have some dental work done, and could in no way afford it, and none of the insurances I have been able to qualify for covered any of it except cleaning.....which makes no sense when if I could have had the problem teeth removed, they would not be crumbling in my mouth. Well, now my top center two front teeth have just about deteriorated away, and two broken molars are at gum level, THANK GOD!! they are neither infected nor rotten (as in foul smelling)!!!!, but I am so self conscious about them. I am just lucky that my natural smile is not one which shows teeth, (not through conscious action, just my physiognomy),.....but "I" KNOW.
Had a treat this morning, I looked up from the newspaper and saw a tall, thin vision of mochacino loveliness standing staring at me with hands on hips, with a sardonic smile and an expression on her face of, "It's about time you looked up!"!! it was Ashley K. from the Pikesville store, coming to pick up the keys, because she is working here at St. Thomas on Saturday night. A nice surprise and something to look forward to after the library closes Saturday at 5:30.
My dumpster diving for donuts was temporarily interrupted yesterday by the fire at the Pizza Man carry out in Pikesville. I sleep right across the street from it and was awoken around 4:45 am. by sirens from the firehouse, no big deal, as both the volunteer and the paid stations are about 200 yards away and I hear them all the time, but they got closer not farther away, and more and more kept coming. I figuered I better get up and see if the building i am right next to was on fire...(I'm not Robert wasn't on fire when I lay down............LOL), and across Reisterstown Road were around 15 pieces of equipment, and billowing black smoke pouring out in to the fog. what a shame they had decent cheese pizza, not as good as when it was Mike's Pizza, home of the first Sicilian pizza in the area.............ahh, memories of my misspent youth..............LOL. But the Dunkn Donuts obviously did not open, luckily they were affected only in a minor (relatively) way by the smoke,( the Chinese carry out was hit hard, and can you imagine the problems bressler's dry cleaners have to deal with, all the clothes that were ready for pickup now have to be sent out for at least smoke damage cleaning..), so the cupboard was bare so to speak. Money has been tight the past two weeks, it's either feast or famine, kind of a fiduciary bi-polar dyfunction. It was one of those days last evening, where someone gave me $2.00 right off the bat, and 2 hours later as I was giving up 4 more folks handed me $6.00, for a grand total of....drum roll please...$8.00!..(oh yeah, and a box of Crunch and Munch,[caramel])......ummmm healthy dinner and breakfast!!,(oh yeah, I had some Pringles left too..LOL)
I could not sleep, so I was up at 3:45am and went down to the Labor Ready, just because, not a damn thing available that I could do, and even if there were....there was 12 people for every position that was announced. Of course these jobs are equitably distributed on a first come first hired protocol, with no favoritism.....................uh huh, and the tooth fairy just left me a hundred bucks for the shards of shattered enamel I spit out this morning. If I was physically able to do any work that was available...I really think I might file an affirmative action or discrimination lawsuit......(you figure it out). So I ended up at the Starbucks around 6:30 am. and did my 'Frugal Gourmet', markdown and free condiment thing at the Giant, and drank way too much free coffee, I thought that the darkening of the whites of my eyes meant the liver disease was in an active phase and I was just jaundiced again, turns out my eyeballs are acting like a floatmeter...I'm just on FULL...LOL
All right, I've got to try to find a place to bathe...SOON!!!!!...offers are welcome...I'm serious this time...e-mail me!! I stopped by Rachel's mom's house and picked up some clean underwear, tee shirts and socks, and a pair of shorts, so I can hold off on the laundry another day or two. I had talked to Rachel on the phone the other day, Finally!!, turns out that she was over her grandmother's while Yakira went out to Chicago and then drove back with her new live in boyfriend. Rachel had just picked up 2 kittens and was discussing names for them, she was so funny, with her adult tone and turns of phrase coming out of a 5 year old, I met the kitties last night. This ought to be interesting, the ex can't even pick up the garbage off the kitchen floor as it is, now there is going to be a litter box to empty??? Okay that's not your worry...sorry.
Oh by the way, I'm gonna need a towel when you tell where to come shower at, sorry, mine got ruined when part of the roof caved in on the 'shed' two weeks ago..........
Well, i've got some e-mails to answer, I'll check in before I leave the library to begin the trek in-town to find dinner, breakfast, and med money. If I can get two-three bucks extra, I'm gonna give the Keno a whirl, I'm about "due"!!.......(yeah, yeah, yeah....random..yada..yada..yada, i used towork for the lottery..I know, but they don't figure in the old stand by.....desperation and frantic prayers to:
Fortuna and Tyche; Hermes; Bes & Beset; Nong Kwak; and
and Saint Martin Caballero, Saint Christopher, and Saint Jude;
also; Lakshmi; The Siete Potencias; Moses, Aaron, and Miriam;
The Virgin Mary; and Amaethon; Loki; and The Buddha!!!!
One never one??
Okay back soon to check..........Dave

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I started reading your blog yesterday and have read over a year of your life thus far. However I'm curious. Are you racist? Just a question I have to know and I could not think of a tactful way of asking that didnt involve a lot of bullshit and that's just now me.