Saturday, April 3, 2010

"Another Saturday Night And I Ain't Got Nobody..........or.........The Talking Head's Lament....................."

Good morning;

First......bits and pieces of the long post that was eaten by the computer yesterday are bubbling to the surface, like the whiskey kegs at Quicksand Bottoms in "The Hallelujah Trail".

To Becky624: Sorry 'bout 'dat!
WHEN!! I DO, (Notice the positive and confident 'when' and not 'if',
hit one of the lotteries or the 'cash fairy' endows me with a windfall, I'll take you out for the best Vegan lunch or dinner we can discover in the Baltimore/Washington vicinity....but you gotta

I enjoyed reading your blog, thanks for reading mine. I'm going to have to put it into my Links and Thinks sidebar...(If that's OK?)
I had somebody last night do an 'instant answer', 'top of the mind', 'first response', 'don't think about it' type quizzes ...on me?, to me?, at me?, with me?...whatever the proper referent would Some of the answers were obvious and what one would expect, a few were just 'random noise', meaningless 'influenced responses',...but a couple were surprising and kind of revealing, (and one was downright embarrassing and I'm going to leave it at!).
Some of the questions were repeated in a row and then again at random. There were a couple 'control questions' that had been answered previously WITH instructions to think first before answering.
One trend that showed up, which was both expected for it's appearance, and curious for it's ranking, was that I placed my (at times desperate) need and desire for physical female contact, with or without sexual overtones way, way above the importance of finding shelter, which I though was my #1 issue. I mean I know I'm lonely, but this shocked even the researcher..(a PhD candidate doing her thesis paper on the relationship between mental health and social interaction among the homeless)..with the gap between them.
Jenn just called, I have an apppointment with the shower and the laundry
gotta run now, I may be back before I go to the Potluck Passover Dinner at 5:30 pm. this afternoon at the Prologue building, hosted and Sponsored by the
Baltimore Jewish Cultural Chavura....see link below:

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