Friday, April 16, 2010

"Paper Trails And Government Snails...................................."

Good Afternoon;

Wow, 84 degrees today, and forecast high for tomorrow of 61 degrees!

All these hot flashes, somebody give Mother Nature something for her menopause!...LOL!..(or a dose of Ritalin for the

So Liz and I went to D.S.S., (Northwest Family Investment Center, Reisterstowm Rd. At Menlo Dr. in the old Fairlanes Bowling Alley...uh-oh...showing my age again), it was her first trip there and when I explained that it mirrored the patrons and attitude and odor and noise level of the City run shelters and some other shelters and missions, differing only in gender ratio,...she "GOT!" why I avoid them like the plague. We were only there about an hour and a quarter, 10 minutes to go through security and sign in, 20 minutes of waiting before being called into the 're-con' room, 20 minutes waiting in there before being called to a workers desk, 20 minute with the worker as he checked the forms we had filled out, (3 sets..2 we had brought from prologue, 1 the sign in worker had given us...PLUS the pages the worker had to go fetch because the packet we had been given on arrival was incomplete. ALL the same in terms of information given, but each arranged in a different manner, with different revision dates, [2 forms only 2 months apart], and one with a slew of cover/instruction pages....INCLUDING...LOL!! 1 page boasting about their participation in the ..wait for it..............'Paper Work Reduction Act'......ROTFLMAO!!!

We filled out some more of the reams of paper sent by S.S.A in regards to my S.S.I. claim, and we tried to get a straight answer about how long the extension that was suppose to have been granted actually is...anywhere from Friday, (today), to NEXT Friday, to 60 Days from the 26th of March...who the hell knows????
My biggest fear is that they will somehow misfile...HA! recertification and I will not get anything on May 2nd, or 7th. It won't be the first time it's happened...or the 10,000th....just read the newspaper.

I took a shower at Prologue, and shaved and changed into my goofy shorts, (what the heck..they're shorts, and it's hot out....I'll live with it)..

I don't know what to do now, I am so broke I can't even pay attention! And now the sky is as dark at 5:07 pm. as it usually is at 7:30 pm.....Uh--OHHH, was that thunder......loverly, simply effin' loverly, a storm front just as the library is about to close and the next bus is 20 minute away and there is no cover on any of these stops near here. Now the power is fluctuating and the lights are flickering......Grrreeeaattttttttt!
Well if I can....operative word IF!, I'm going to head to the Starbucks, because it is the only place I can go sit for free.
I gotta get some cash tomorrow....somehow. I need to see Monkee and get some meds.
I wanted to see Rachel at least to take a walk, but she is staying over Bubbies this weekend.
Welllll, I guess I'm gonna sit and eat, I can't even afford a beer, so I'll 'munch' my blues!
See you tomorrow..........Dave

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