Monday, February 28, 2011

"Social Network My Ass!!!........More Like Sociopathic Network!!................"

Good Evening;
Well it's been raining and windy most of the afternoon since I left Jenn's, and though it was very warm earlier, it is cold and damp now.
After I showered I grabbed the bus over here to the Starbucks and used my last $3.69 to get something to eat and drink. I saved bus fare for tomorrow and I may have some coins left rolling around. I slept poorly and can barely stay awake. Jenn is giving me a ride back to Pikeville after her home group.
My Facebook account is all effed up and would not let me log in saying that it noticed that I was trying to log in from an unfamiliar location, which I was not! Then it would not let me sign on and said my answer to my 'secret question' was wasn't. Then I'm told that I can have a few 'trusted friends' verify my identity and to call them and a whole other rigamarole. I don't have any minutes left to do all this calling back and I said screw it and got a gmail account and logged back on with a new me. I sent an e-mail to every one I had an address for telling them 'Yes it is me and I do have a new account very similar to the old one and to expected friend requests.
I am so tired I am falling asleep on the keyboard...
Later .........................Dave

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